About Us
Investing in Horizon is more than an education for our children, it’s an investment into a community of like-minded families that we do life with. Every time we attend an awards ceremony, band concert, parent teacher conference, or see the quality decisions our Kids are making to stand firm in their culture, we always walk away saying ‘it’s worth it’!

Rachel C.
HCS - Staff
Our goal is not to shelter our students from the secular world. Instead, we strive to teach them the truth without distraction or unhealthy influence. By equipping them with God’s Word, we are teaching them to use an incomparably powerful tool.

Jared N.
HCS Faculty

At Horizon we believe that educating a child is of the highest calling. We are dedicated to helping each student develop their full potential by cultivating Academic achievement, Biblical truth, and Christian character development. We stress a challenging academic program taught by caring, experienced teachers using the highest quality curriculum integrated with a biblical worldview.

Horizon Christian School is located in beautiful Hood River, Oregon just 60 miles east of Portland, Oregon on the Columbia River. Students come from a radius of 30miles in all directions – across the river in Washington State to Trout Lake and Stevenson, east to the The Dalles, south to Parkdale and Mt. Hood, and west to Cascade Locks. A bus service provides transportation with stops in The Dalles, Lyle and Bingen.

Tuition and Fees
Horizon is committed to providing an outstanding Biblically-centered education for families in the Columbia Gorge, which is why we are proud to offer Variable Tuition. Our Variable Tuition program is designed to match ever families tuition rate to their unique financial situation. It’s not a one-size-fits-all, it’s a range that spans up to 80% of the full cost of tuition. This program removes obstacles and creates opportunities for families to receive a one of a kind christian education for their children.

Horizons beautiful and well appointed facility sits on eight acres of scenic property. The 51,000sq/ft building includes spacious classrooms, science & technology labs, art room, media center, band/music room, cafeteria, gymnasium, locker rooms, play area and soccer field. Thanks to generous gifts and great fundraising, a new playground and school bus were added in 2018.

As an accredited school we are a member of one of the nation’s six regional accrediting associations. Approximately 1,656 public and private schools in the Northwest region are accredited by the NWAC. Accreditation is just one way of ensuring that our school meets specific review standards including minimum environmental standards, a valid school improvement plan, an on-going self-study, and on-site peer evaluation process.

Serving Others
Service is a way of life at Horizon. Students are given many opportunities and encouraged to serve their school, their community, and their world. As much as possible, students do the organization and execution of service projects with coaching and advisement from staff and mentors. It is our belief that students learn much more by doing and possibly making mistakes than by being handed a polished product by someone else.