Teaching elementary subjects are geared at preparing students for the middle school years, spiritually, academically, and socially. Horizon provides the basic foundation for a solid academic education. Each elementary grade has daily classes in Bible, math, phonics/language, spelling, writing, as well as history, PE and science
“At Horizon we often learn kinesthetically through hands-on experiences and guided movement. These lessons are a little more risky because students have more opportunities to cause problems for themselves or others – but they are so much more enriching and beneficial to the learner than sitting in a desk quietly all day long. We believe that children are meant to learn through experiences, moving, playing, interacting with each other, exploring, and…making mistakes! This is an organic and meaningful way to practice self control, cooperation, teamwork, and build friendships.”
-Renee Rieke, Elementary Principal
Horizon elementary students also take part in field trips that enhance learning arts, science and nature.
Elementary Class Info
Students study God’s word to know the truth, hope, healing, and the salvation Jesus Christ offers all people. The emphasis of the Bible study time is on building a personal relationship with Jesus, and learning and applying God’s word to the student’s lives.
Students learn to share prayer requests and pray for each other. They also memorize verses of scripture weekly.
Students complete daily activities that accompany each lesson from their Bible workbook.
Daily prayer is emphasized at the group and individual level, focusing on worship and requests.
Biblical Worldview Integration
In addition to a daily Bible class and a weekly chapel, teachers integrate a Biblical Worldview into the curriculum and subjects they teach. The Biblical Worldview Integration (BWI) focuses on five areas: God, creation, mankind, moral order, and purpose.
Students read grade-level novels and texts to develop vocabulary, rate, accuracy, and comprehension skills.
Students develop skills and strategies that emphasize strong phonetics, fluency, accuracy, and comprehension through the Harcourt Reading curriculum. Grammar, writing and learning robust vocabulary words are also emphasized.
Reading goals and practices are grade specific ranging from at-home reading, in -class guided reading groups, small class reading groups, story time, and more.
Students are regularly assessed for individual progress.
Students develop knowledge of correct sentence structure, basic grammar skills, phonics skills, word rules, and beginning dictionary skills.
Parts of speech are explored.
Language is taught using a combination of short lecture, demonstration, and individual and group practice. These concepts are used in creative writing and different forms of writing throughout the school year.
At the older grade levels there is a strong student focus on organizing, evaluating, and revising their work. The students will also focus on specific writing traits such as organization, author’s voice, ideas and content, sentence fluency, word choice, conventions, and presentation.
Spelling is taught using weekly spelling lists with challenge words, a variety of writing activities, games, and homework.
Students practice during class time and at home.
Students 1-6th grade participate in a spelling bee each year with opportunity to advance to the ACSI regional spelling bee held in Camas, WA.
Initially students are introduced to letters and their corresponding sounds eventually writing simple letter-sound blends and finally moving to words and sentences. Letter formation (alignment, size, shape, and spacing) is taught using weekly bible verses.
Handwriting is taught using demonstration, individual practice, individual assessment of correct and incorrect letter formation.
The cursive writing program begins in 3rd grade and is designed to teach students to write legibly, focusing on correct alignment, slant, size, shape, and spacing. Regular daily practice is done to bring about effective results using weekly Scriptures as content.
Students learn math concepts through enjoyable and engaging activities taught in our Harcourt Math Curriculum.
The introduction of new concepts is regularly combined with continual review of previously learned concepts.
As students progress in skill, emphasis is placed on problem solving.
Curriculum and subject matter are grade dependent.
Beginning in Kindergarten students are learning about their community, value in being a good citizen, the story of America and more.
Studies progress through the years to learn about presidents, pilgrims, immigration, local government, US & world geography, early american history, economics and early civilization.
There is an emphasis on learning about God and Christian character.
Students are taught using the Foss Full Option Science System (FOSS) Science Curriculum.
Students will have hands-on experiences that allows them formulate questions and make discoveries.
Throughout the course, the emphasis is on God as creator and sustainer of all things, and we are the stewards of those things
Students K-6th grade participate in Physical Education classes 50min, 2x weekly.
Through stretching, games, and activities students learn how to control their bodies, develop strength and increase coordination, all through activities and games that improve and define large and small motor movements.
Students become capable of monitoring their own activity and use performance feedback to increase their understanding of a skill as well as to improve performance. Students engage in healthy competition with sportsmanship as the ultimate goal.
Music classes for K-6th grade meet 2x weekly for 50min.
Students participate in two musical performances a year and occasional “mini” performances for parents and the community.
Most classes begin with worship and an effort is taken to ensure students understand the importance of worship in musical form.
Beginning Band is a beginning instrumental program offered to fifth and sixth grade students. Students may select from a variety of instruments while the director ensures the band is balanced. The band practices four days per week and performs several times throughout the year. Students learn to discipline themselves through practicing, musical endurance and worship.
Students K-6th grade participate in a 50 minute Art classes 2x weekly.
Students are exposed to design in the world around them. They are taught to be observers of the aesthetic elements of line, shape, texture, pattern, value and color. They will use a variety of mediums and methods as they learn to apply the elements.
They will share their works, critique and appreciate other’s works, as well as practice techniques of master artists from history.
Students continue to develop their skills as designers and their knowledge of the use of various media, keeping journals to record their growth and thoughts. Students will participate in a public show and the annual Peace Poster Contest. Each student will keep a journal to document experiments, solve problems, and show progress.

Elementary Class Info
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday.
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Meet your Teacher, Kindergarten Promotion, Annual pumpkin patch field trip, and more!
Click here to watch a short film previewing our Kindergarten math and reading programs.
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Field trip to Oregon Children’s Theater, Mother’s Day musical, Thanksgiving Friendship Feast, and more!
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Field trip to Oregon Children’s Theater, Mother’s Day musical, Thanksgiving Friendship Feast, and more!
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Meet your Teacher, Back to School night, class parties, and more!
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Meet your Teacher, Back to School night, class parties, and more!
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Meet your teacher, Field trips, class parties, and more!
Classroom Structure: Traditional single classroom schedule Monday through Friday
Student/Teacher Ratio: Maximum 20:1
School Day:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Start: First Tuesday following Labor Day
End: Mid-June
Major Breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring
Special Events: Meet your Teacher, Back to School night, Outdoor school, class parties, and more!

Special Events & Activities
Students participate in many special events throughout the academic year

Literacy Week
Students K-6 celebrate Literacy week with themed days and special activities such as Guess Who & Teacher Switcheroo, Book Character Parade, Poem in your Pocket, and Camp Read-a-lot. Literacy Week kicks off our annual Battle of the Books competition where students compete in mixes grade level teams to read and answer questions about books they have read as a team.