Vision & Mission
Our vision is to become an extraordinary school by providing a premier education while developing Christian servant leaders through dynamic teaching, the integration of biblical truth, positive peer and mentor relationships, and life enriching activities outside the classroom. We pledge to be an educational community, who faithfully models the Christian life for the glory of God.
Our vision is based on the example of Jesus Christ as He extravagantly loved and equipped his 12 young disciples to impact the world.
In looking forward, casting a vision, we have to understand the current generation and the culture in which they live to be able to faithfully model the Christian life.

Ken Block
Former Superintendent
Our mission is to build a solid foundation for life by providing students with
an excellent education that integrates our “ABCs” – Academic achievement, Biblical truth,
and Christian character development.
It is the purpose of Horizon Christian School to provide a sound academic education integrated with a Christian view of God and the world. The Bible is specific in stating the principles that underlie Christian education. The apostle Paul presents a comprehensive principle when he wrote of Christ, “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth…and He is before all things and by Him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-17 The writer of the fourth Gospel said, “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3
I fully appreciate the solid, Christian foundation that our daughter left Horizon with. Thanks to Horizon, she has every tool that she needs to be successful in her next steps in life.

Shannon W.
Former Parent
Teaching Truth - Changing Lives
5 Practices of Resilient Faith: (adapted from the book Faith for Exiles)
- Many are seeking identity. Horizon is teaching that our identity is found in Christ. Becoming what God intended.
- Horizon’s motto is Teaching Truth – Changing lives: not just information but transformation.
- Not a brand but a personal relationship. Horizon is providing students meaningful opportunities to be engaged in their relationship with Jesus.
- Horizon offers a robust learning community under the authority of the Bible.
- Our faculty and staff realize it takes regular practice to build muscles of discernment.
- Students learn how to think in company with other Christians who are learning how to think.
- Students are encouraged to practice how to live as God designed them.
- We strive to model how to not bury heads in the sand, but learn how to face difficult issues.
- Students are taught how to anchor to the Bible.
- Horizon “feels like family” and is made up of people who students actually want to be around and strive to become.
- Screens allow us to avoid the hard work of being human, yet at Horizon we are aiming to use digital in instructional and ways for the purpose of research and development.
- We are confronting the myth of lone-wolf, do-it-yourself, sole-proprietorship discipleship by providing opportunities for student led service groups, group presentations and multi-grade classrooms.
- Horizon has an amazing opportunity to address the epidemic of isolation and counteract the atomizing effect of the digital age.
- Horizon is a community of Christians where students feel they belong, are loved and valued.
- We strive to provide well-articulated goals and out-comes: What a Horizon graduate looks like.
- Students get the opportunity to know and be known by teachers and administrators.
- Students are free to share their doubts.
- Horizon promotes honoring God in whatever field you desire to serve in.
- Our mission is to infuse the vocational imaginations of this new generation with the purposes of God; to help them understand that God has made them for something.
- They are wired by God to create beauty (creative careers), to cultivate abundance (entrepreneurial careers), or to generate order (STEM). These certainly can be God-ordained callings.
- Faith and works are taught as inseparable.
- There is clear evidence that the most resilient young Christians are stronger when we connect discipleship and vocation.
- Horizon is unapologetic in our desire to be countercultural; that is, a way of life in Jesus that runs against the grain of the world.
- Horizon runs contrary to and is distinct from the systems and structures of power, sexuality, and money, among many other things.
- Our wide aspirations for our students include serving others, caring for creation, receiving God’s blessing in order to bless others, and seeking to save the lost in Jesus name.
- Engaging in countercultural mission means living as a faithful presence by trusting God’s power, and living differently from cultural norms.
- Horizon wants to help our students develop the muscles of sacrifice and service.
- We strive to diagnose and fix self-centeredness at Horizon.
- We believe courage does not just happen; it has to be taught and reinforced.
- Difficult conversations are among the most critical practical skills for life and we are willing and ready to have those conversations.
- We are helping our students to know what they believe and how to express themselves to others in a spirit of love and respect.